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You Have Till Monday to Decide:
Everything has really turned around for Carrie lately. She and George are going strong, all of her friends have great boyfriends, "bitchy" Barbara isn't acting so bitchy since she started getting laid, and she is doing well at her internship at the law firm in the city. Well look out Carrie because everything is about to change, starting with the opportunity you've longed for.
Carrie meets up with Loretta for a bite to eat and provides brilliant ideas and captions to use in Interview magazine. Loretta is thoroughly impressed and asks Carrie if she'd like to intern at the Interview office. An internship at her favorite magazine? Sounds too good to be true! Reality soon sinks in when Carrie has to choose whether to decline the offer and stay at the law firm or to accept the offer and leave the law firm.
She consults Mouse and Maggie and elaborates on her fears. What happens if Loretta finds out Carrie is only 16 and still in high school? Will her dad be upset if she leaves the internship he got for her? Will she ever get a chance like this again? Maggie thinks she should take the internship but Mouse is on team dad and thinks Carrie should talk to him first before deciding. This is not the only thing on Carrie's mind. She still hasn't invited George to the winter dance and Carrie's friends quickly catch on as to why. Simple, she's nervous about Sebastian finding out that she has a new boyfriend because she clearly still has feelings for him. After a quick run-in with Sebastian, Carrie finally invites George to the dance.

If You Give a Mouse a B+:
Mouse is devastated after receiving a B+ on her recent exam. She claims she studied while visiting her boyfriend Seth over the weekend but really all they did was just have sex. If only studying was that much fun. Feeling completely disappointed in herself for letting sex get in the way of her priority of getting good grades, Mouse is on the hunt for redemption.
At school, Mouse begs her teacher for a re-test or an extra credit assignment to boost up her grade because in her eyes a B+ is unacceptable. The teacher agrees to give her an extra credit assignment but Mouse has until 8pm to have it on her desk otherwise she won't accept it. But wait...the paper is due the same night as the dance? As grateful as Mouse is, she starts to realize that the assignment is longer than her exam and that she won't be able to get it done in time.
Upon arrival to the dance, Mouse conceals her extra credit assignment in her dress and asks Carrie to distract Seth so she can go work on it in the girl's bathroom. That is just determination at it's best. Carrie dealing with her own issues at the dance, fails to keep Seth from finding Mouse who is out in the hallway working on her assignment. Being the sweet boyfriend he is, Seth stays with Mouse and keeps her company as she completes the finishing touches on the extra credit.
Time must have flown because before she knew it, it was a few minutes past 8pm! The couple race to the teacher's office, only to find that the door is locked. Seth suggests sliding the paper under the door. Genius! But wait, Mouse slides it a little too hard and the paper ends up underneath the teacher's desk completely hidden from sight. Seth makes a second suggestion of trying to pick the lock and grabs for one of Mouse's bobby pins. Sharp! But wait, as Seth tries to jimmy the door open, they are caught by the school janitor. So close!
Mouse and Seth apologize and explain themselves to the janitor and her teacher, who was chaperoning the dance. Mouse admits that she was only trying to turn in her extra credit assignment. The teacher believes her but refuses to accept the assignment because it is late. She also ads that Mouse should be grateful that she wasn't sent to the principle.
The young couple sulk on the school staircase and discuss that both their grades have been slipping since their relationship started. Mouse won't stand for it and says that they can't keep holding each other back from the things they want, including good grades. Seth tries to convince Mouse that they can make it work but her mind is made up. She tells Seth they need to let each other go and focus on what was important to them. Gotta admit, that was pretty damn mature of Mouse. School first, men second.
One is the Loneliest Number:
Rewinding a bit, Maggie tells the girls that she and her boyfriend Walt have been stuck in a "dry patch" lately and that things seem to be off between them. Hmm...wonder what she'll say when she discovers the truth about Walt. Having the misfortune of a locker close to Donna's, the two discuss the dance as they stash away their own alcoholic beverages in their lockers. Scotch for Donna, peach schnapps for Maggie. Maggie informs her that Walt is home sick with the chicken pox and won't be able to take her to the dance, but that won't stop her. Donna teases her that her going alone is sad, but Maggie says that she doesn't mind going stag because she is going to tear up the dance floor...and tear up that dance floor she did! Maggie is jamming hard up until a slow song starts to play. Feeling lonely, she decides to ditch the dance early. She spots her cop lover Simon outside the school waiting for her. She denies being attracted to him but is soon overcome by her desires. The two end up in the back of the cop car.
The Nutcracker:
Carrie's dad receives a letter in the mail addressed to his wife. Apparently the envelope contains two tickets for The Nutcracker that were meant for her and Dorrit. According to Carrie that was their thing every year. Not sure of what to do with them, he asks Dorrit if she wouldn't mind going with him. She accepts but reluctantly.
The father-daughter date unfortunately doesn't start off very well. Dorrit can't stop talking about what she and her mom did when they saw The Nutcracker together and Carrie's dad just can't seem to fill the void.
Viewers finally got to see the first genuine smile on young rebel Dorrit's face as the curtains went up and The Nutcracker began. That smile soon faded as intermission was reached because she realizes that her dad had fallen asleep. She is upset but he tries to explain to her that he worked three long nights trying to finish an important case so he could take her to see the show. Dorrit feels guilty for being so upset but reveals she doesn't know how to act around him. She says that Carrie has him and she had mom, so they never spent much time alone together. He of course assures her that she has him and that she is not alone. Dorrit reverts back to her old self and tells him that she is fine being alone.
Good thing for Dorrit, she doesn't have a dad that easily gives up. Her dad knows better than anyone that a way to a woman's heart is through her stomach. He surprises her with her favorite almonds and all is forgiven.
Something Special:

Donna is aggravated and decides to go outside. As she exits the school, she catches Maggie getting out of the cop car with Simon. Busted! Donna decides to use this to her advantage and tells Maggie that if she doesn't make sure Carrie leaves Sebastian alone, she will tell everyone about her affair with an older man.
Inside the limo, Carrie and George are kissing, heavily breathing, and getting friskier than usual; especially George who just can't seem to keep his hands off little Carrie. George gets frustrated when Carrie denies him access to her desired regions. He accuses her of dangling herself in front of guys and refusing to give it up. In other words, a tease. She is surprised and explains that she is a virgin and that she doesn't want to have sex because she wants it to be special. George changes his demeanor and says he likes the idea of being her first. According to him, your virginity is something to get out of the way so you can start having fun. She is appalled and says she wants her first time with someone who thinks losing your virginity is special too. George must have ignored that last part because next he asks Carrie to "take care of him" or rather blow him. Ugh! As if! Carrie dumps his ass and an angry George takes off in the limo leaving Carrie behind. Good for you girlfriend!
Carrie is reunited with Maggie back at the dance. Maggie confesses to her about cheating on Walt and losing her virginity to the cop. Carrie is understanding but does feel bad for Walt. Maggie admits that she doesn't think something is working between them and doesn't know what to do. Carrie advises her to talk with Walt and come clean about cheating before he finds it out from Donna. As much as we'd like to believe the two can work it out, who knows how much longer it will be before Walt realizes he is hot for the other team.
After her eventful night at the winter dance, Carrie realizes that this is her life and she won't have any regrets. With that, she decides to take the internship at Interview magazine.
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