Sunday, February 24, 2013

RECAP: The Vampire Diaires 4x15 - "Stand By Me"

Last week on The Vampire Diaries, audience members were left completely flabbergasted at the events and the loss that took place. Is Jeremy really dead? What about his ring? What has happened to Silas? All those questions and more were answered in what was the most heart-wrenching episode of the season. 

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The First Stage of Grief is Denial:
   Still in the tomb of Silas, Elena clings to the lifeless body of Jeremy claiming that he will come-to any minute because he is wearing his ring. Right? Unfortunately it looks like the power of the ring is no longer in effect. According to Stefan, since Jeremy had become one of The Five, he is supernatural and therefore the ring that once could bring a human back to life will no longer work. First gasp of the episode! Damon suggests that Stefan take Elena and Jeremy's body back home while he searches for missing Bonnie on the island. 
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   At the house, Stefan carries Jeremy to his bedroom and lies him on the bed. Elena is convinced that Jeremy will come back because of the ring and fearful that Elena won't be able to keep it together, Stefan chooses not to tell Elena that the ring won't work. Caroline sticks around and tells Stefan that he should tell Elena the truth but Stefan believes that Elena's denial may be the best thing for her right now. Elena overhears their conversation and claims that she is not in denial but is hopeful that Jeremy fulfilled his supernatural destiny by raising Silas and that he will be back to normal and come back to life. Trust us Elena, we're holding on to all the hope we can! Maybe Jer-bear will burst awake with a large inhale any second now? Every fan's high hopes plummeted when Caroline and Stefan acknowledge the smell of Jeremy's decomposing body upstairs. Stefan calls Dr. Meredith Fell to come in and check on Jeremy. Meredith and Stefan attempt to gently bring Elena back to reality that Jeremy is dead and that she needs to release the body to Meredith so they can hold a funeral for him. Elena loses it and demands that Bonnie come and bring Jeremy back to life! Matt walks into the scene in Jeremy's bedroom and is stunned to see Jeremy on the bed. Elena tries to comfort him by saying that Bonnie will be there soon to make everything right. Emotions aside...damn, does Bonnie have to take care of everything? Jeez.
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   Matt convinces Elena that she needs to leave the house with him because he wants to take her someplace. He takes her to the stoner-pit of the high school and shows her some graffiti that Jeremy had done a few years back. Written on the concrete was "Vicki" and "J+V". How sweet. He tries to explain how he felt when he discovered his sister was dead. Matt tells her that in this town... people are never really gone... or at least completely. He says it's okay to have hope because that is all that can keep someone going. 

Silas' Plans Revealed:
   Damon continues his search for Bonnie on the island but finds Rebekah instead. He informs her that Catherine has stolen the cure, killed Jeremy and is no where to be found. She decides to go along with him for fear that the now...very much alive Silas is roaming the island. Along their journey, they are attacked by one of the five hunters, Vaughn. Of course Damon captures the young hunter and ties him up. He and Rebekah try and torture information out of him and thanks to Rebekah's twisted threats, Vaughn starts talking. He discloses that Catherine had found him while he was tracking vampire dens and told him that she could assist him in finding Silas. Apparently she had already known of the Hunter's curse and the cure from a werewolf girl on the inside who is friends with Shane. Hayley is BUSTED! What a shady lady! With new information, Damon leaves Rebekah with bounded Vaughn.
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   Bonnie wakes up and finds herself completely healed of her stab wound in the middle of the forest with Shane. Crazy! Even crazier, Shane is walking around with bloody pants but a repaired broken leg. He claims that it was Silas who helped him and that her friend Jeremy had died. He describes that Silas drained Jeremy's body of blood so that he could come to life. Horrified, Bonnie starts to lose control. Shane calms her down by telling her that Silas can bring Jeremy back. Wait--what?
   Shane clarifies that Silas is unable to do magic because he is immortal and that is why he has been teaching Bonnie expression, so she can do Silas' work. After fulfilling two massacres (the 12 town people and the 12 hybrids), a third is necessary for Bonnie to gain full power. She immediately refuses but reconsiders when she encounters a ghostly Jeremy lying on the floor, bleeding, asking for help. Could this be another of Silas' tricky illusions? Hmm...
   Damon gives Stefan a call and says he is having trouble locating Bonnie. Stefan proposes that Damon return to Mystic Falls because his sire-bond with Elena may be the only thing that can help her keep it together and that they will look for Bonnie later. Just as Damon hangs up the phone, Bonnie emerges from the bushes and tells Damon that she knows how to bring Jeremy back. 
   Rebekah remains on the island with Vaughn in the tomb catacombs. Vaughn tries to convince Rebekah that the cure must be given to Silas by showing her the mask that Silas wore in his tomb. The most chilling quote of the evening, "How do you hide from the Devil when you don't know what he looks like?" He finishes by telling her that regardless of who you are, you're doomed if Silas is not given the cure and destroyed. With that, Rebekah leaves Vaughn to rot in the tomb tunnel. 
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   Bonnie and Damon arrive at Elena's home and the gang is once again reunited. Bonnie sits down with Caroline, Elena and Matt and attempts to justify that she must help Shane complete an expression triangle for Silas by sacrificing 12 people to harness enough power to bring the dead back--including Jeremy. Damon and Stefan remain outside the house where Damon expresses his concern over Bonnie. He tells Stefan that Shane has her completely brainwashed. We're right there with you on this one Damon. Something is up with Bonnie. According to Shane, Bonnie must complete the expression triangle so she can destroy this "other side" or purgatory for supernatural beings for Silas to perish in peace and reunite with his love. Damon elaborates that if Bonnie drops the veil between here and the other side, every supernatural being will be brought back to life with a vengeance. Second gasp of the episode! Caroline is against the idea but Elena actually looks as if she is considering it. The phone suddenly rings and it is little April Young looking for Jeremy. Elena finally comes to terms with the truth and says her brother can't come to the phone because he's dead. Ouch. 
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   Back to reality, Elena faces Jeremy's body lying on the bed and realizes that her brother is in fact dead and won't be coming back. Damon tries to comfort her but is unable to. Stefan and Caroline encourage Matt to take Bonnie home and to leave Elena to them. At this point, Elena has lost it and decides to come up with a cover story for her brother. She grabs lighter fluid and begins to soak the kitchen with it saying that they'll burn the house down with Jeremy in it. Everyone tries to bring Elena to her senses but fail. In an incredibly heart breaking meltdown, Elena exclaims that this house is filled with the memories of everyone in her life who has died. There is nothing left for her here. Just as she is about to drop a lit match, Damon uses his super speed to catch it before it hits the scattered lighter fluid. He asks her if she would like him to help her make the pain go away. With a simple gaze into her eyes, Damon tells her to turn it off. Turn it off and everything will go away. Third gasp of the episode!

Only the Beginning:
   On the car ride home, Bonnie tries to ease Matt by telling him that everything will be okay and that she'll bring them back. As Matt drives off, Shane confronts Bonnie at her doorstep. She asks him that if she drops the veil for the supernatural, what will happen to the humans that were sacrificed on the farm? He confesses that they died for the greater good and that they have found peace. That is all Silas wants and he ends telling her that "they are the beginning". Beginning to what exactly? I bet we'll find out real soon.
   Poor Matt succumbs to his emotions after dropping Bonnie off. The thought of having his sister back but at the sacrifice of innocent people is a lot to handle. What would you do? Leave a comment below saying whether you would sacrifice innocent people to bring back someone you've lost.
   So what happened to Rebekah? The stranded vampire navigates herself back to the boat, in the dark no less, and discovers the body of...Shane!? Broken leg and all. Just as she walks away, he grabs her leg and whispers, "Silas!" Fourth gasp of the episode!
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   Destitute Elena has lost her brother and humanity in a single day. She lights another match and decides that burning down the house is the best decision. Stefan tries to explain that if she burns down the house it will be gone and she won't be able to come home again. She replies, "I won't" and drops the match leaving the home she grew up in filled with memories of her family, journals, her brother's dead body, her whole life... in a giant blaze without looking back. If this doesn't symbolize the death of the old Elena, I don't know what does. Check it out Mystic Falls, there is a new Elena in town... numb to all emotions. This can only spell out DISASTER for everyone. 


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